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Causes of Distracted Driving

Published: May 1, 2019 in Auto Accident, Personal Injury

Edwardsville car crash lawyers represent injured victims of distracted driving accidents.The National Safety Council (NSC) has devoted the entire month of April to its Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign. While many drivers go a lifetime without experiencing a major car accident, it only takes a second of complacency for an accident to happen. Every driver should periodically take the time to review the causes of distracted driving and how to prevent it.

According to a study on U.S. motor vehicle fatalities, the top 10 causes of distracted driving are as follows:

  • Not paying attention
  • Cellphone use
  • Something outside the car, such as another person, object, or event
  • Passengers inside the car
  • Using or reaching for a device
  • Eating and drinking
  • Adjusting controls inside the car, such as the radio or climate
  • Using controls for the operation of the vehicle, such as mirrors and seat belts
  • Moving objects inside the car
  • Smoking

It is estimated that 25 percent of motor vehicle fatalities involve a driver being distracted by any of these behaviors. Any time a driver’s attention is taken away from the road, the chances of an accident increases. Using a cell phone increases the chances being involved in a crash by 400 percent. Distracted drivers endanger not only themselves and their passengers, but everyone they share the road with, including pedestrians.

Preventing Distracted Driving

Besides refusing to use a cellphone in the car, there are many ways to stay safe while on the road. If you must use your phone, pull over to a safe spot to talk or send a text. The same goes for eating and drinking. Try to plan your trip so that you do not need to eat in your car. Enjoy your meal in a safe location.

Many people spend a long time on the road commuting every day and try to make use of the time by multitasking. Putting on makeup or doing other grooming tasks in your car makes it impossible to keep your eyes on the road. Navigation settings, climate controls, and sound systems should be programmed before you start to drive.

Children should also be taken care of before you set out on the road. They should be changed, cleaned, and fed so that they are less likely to be a distraction while driving. Explain to older children that you cannot attend to them while driving the car.

Take the Pledge

As part of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, the NSC is offering an online pledge that drivers can download, sign, and dedicate to a loved one. It includes the promise not to use a phone in the car or program navigation systems while in motion. Making the pledge is a great way for every driver to eliminate distractions from their daily commute.

Edwardsville Car Crash Lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC Represent Injured Victims of Distracted Driving Accidents

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident that was the result of distracted driving or another act of negligence, the experienced Edwardsville car crash lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC can help. We will fight to obtain the maximum compensation available for your case. Call us at 618-277-3644 today to schedule a free consultation or contact us online. From our offices in Swansea, Illinois, we represent clients throughout Belleville, Carbondale, East St. Louis, Granite City, Edwardsville, Chester, Waterloo, St. Louis, Madison County, St. Clair County, Monroe County, and Randolph County.